dialogId("zx-m-pametnici", "font_small", "So this is a level for real connoisseurs.")
dialogId("zx-v-osmibit", "font_big", "Yeah, I feel like I can feel the eight bit wind of history.")
dialogId("zx-m-pixel", "font_small", "Can you see that pixel graphic all around us? I must confess I feel nostalgic.")
dialogId("zx-v-hry", "font_big", "This is an opportunity to play the merry old games of ZX Spectrum.")
dialogId("zx-m-premyslis", "font_small", "What are you thinking about now?")
dialogId("zx-v-pamet", "font_big", "Well, I just realized that the animations of us two alone would fill up the RAM of a ZX Spectrum.")
dialogId("zx-v-otazka", "font_big", "Do you know that your question alone in WAV format would overfill the RAM of ZX Spectrum? And imagine how many such sounds are in this game.")
dialogId("zx-m-necodosebe", "font_small", "But still, these games had something to them, didn`t they?")
dialogId("zx-m-knight", "font_small", "Can you see that Knight Lorer?")
dialogId("zx-v-manicminer", "font_big", "And that must be the Manic Miner.")
dialogId("zx-m-jetpack", "font_small", "I really didn`t know I`d ever be putting the Jetpack together again.")
dialogId("zx-v-roboti", "font_big", "This line of robots looks familiar.")
dialogId("zx-m-highway", "font_small", "Oh sure, they are from the Highway Encounter.")
dialogId("zx-v-nahravani", "font_big", "I wonder what is loading right now.")
dialogId("zx-m-ocel", "font_small", "The single biggest advantage of this room is that it contains no steel.")